Daily Inspirational Bible Verse

daily inspirational bible verse


  • Providing or showing creative or spiritual inspiration
  • (inspiration) arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity
  • imparting a divine influence on the mind and soul
  • (inspirationally) with inspiration; in an inspiring manner, “he talked inspirationally”

    bible verse

  • (Bible verses) This application offers a collection of over 1000 essential Bible verses on many important topics such as Faith, Relationships, Money &
  • The books of the Bible that are considered canonical number 24 for Jews, 66 for Protestants, 73 for Catholics, and 78 for most Orthodox Christians.


  • Done, produced, or occurring every day or every weekday
  • every day; without missing a day; “he stops by daily”
  • of or belonging to or occurring every day; “daily routine”; “a daily paper”
  • Relating to the period of a single day
  • a newspaper that is published every day

daily inspirational bible verse – 2012 Personal

2012 Personal Prayer Diary and Daily Planner (Black)
2012 Personal Prayer Diary and Daily Planner (Black)
The Personal Prayer Diary and Daily Planner is a unique prayer and scheduling tool designed to help you live an intentional, integrated life connected to God’s kingdom. This multifaceted resource is far more than an effective organizer. For more than 30 years, believers have joined in God’s work in the world through vital intercession for the nations using this comprehensive resource.

The Personal Prayer Diary and Daily Planner is designed to assist you in integrating three vital areas of your daily life: (1) intercessory prayer, (2) Bible reading and meditation, and (3) planning your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual schedules. The 2012 edition provides many opportunities for you to live and pray intentionally throughout the year.

Mini-library of relevant Christian teaching. A series of short teachings further inform your intercession and help you discover principles readily applicable to your daily walk with God. These challenging, insightful teachings are a good foundation for this year’s theme of prayer and kingdom of God.

Monthly articles exploring places of brokenness and redemption around the world. Each month you’ll read about a people, nation, or sphere of society in desperate need of the church’s intercession and intervention. You’ll learn how others have responded to this need and how you can help through prayer and action. Each Sunday you’ll find a reminder to pray for the people or situation discussed in that month’s profile.

Daily thematic prayer guide. Each day, a group or need related to that month’s prayer focus is targeted for prayer. Join thousands of other diary users worldwide in praying for the same people or situation.

Bible meditation and memorization guide. Weekly meditation and memory verses are found at the beginning of each week. By meditating on and memorizing each selection, you will commit 53 portions of Scripture to memory in 2012.

Weekly guide to praying for the nations. A nation related to the monthly prayer focus is highlighted each week. Important information is included in each listing to assist you in praying for that nation. Each nation may also be located geographically using the maps section.

Two-track Bible-reading program. Option 1: Read through the Bible in a year by following the reading guide each day. Option 2: Use the checkoff system to read the Scriptures in your own order and at your own pace. By reading an average of 3.5 chapters each day, you will read the entire Bible in one year, regardless of the order you choose to read each portion.

Calendars for planning your day, week, and year. A three-year long-range planner is included to aid your scheduling. Each month opens with a month-at-a-glance planner to keep track of important events, birthdays, and appointments. The daily calendar is designed in a handy week-at-a-glance format. This section can be used as a daily planning tool or as a daily journal and prayer diary should you desire to use the monthly planner for all your scheduling needs. (Some non-Christian religious holidays are included on the calendars as an aid to prayer.)

Personal notes and contacts. A personal notes/prayer journal page is included at the beginning of each month. Additional notes/journal pages and a handy section for recording phone numbers and addresses are included in the back of the planner.

Reference helps. The world maps, countries of the world section (statistical information for every nation), and time-zone chart provide useful data.

Available in four colors: navy blue, burgundy, black, and green. Loose-leaf version also available.

Inspirational quote

Inspirational quote
Inspirational quote. This is one of the Best inspiring Message.

49: Daily Inspirational Bible Verse

49: Daily Inspirational Bible Verse
Psalm 23:3

daily inspirational bible verse

Dancing With God...a true story This inspirational and compelling true story of Marian Massie's communication with God is engaging and keeps you at the edge of your seat, while opening your heart.
Millions of people are having spiritual experiences every day, but they may not recognize them as such.
Regardless of your religion or spiritual predilection, Dancing with God teaches you how to recognize spiritual experiences, exposes you to a broader awareness of what they may look like, and offers ways to integrate them into your own personal life, regardless of your life situation.

The author, Marian Massie, intimately shares her premonition dreams, as well as other profound spiritual experiences she had communicating with God, during her sister’s five year fight with cancer. This inspirational and compelling true story is engaging and keeps you at the edge of your seat, while opening your heart. You get caught up in the experiences that helped Marian deal with her incredibly hard life journey, and consequently, helps you understand that you too, are truly dancing with God every day.

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